St Augustine's RC High School

Pupil Notices – Monday 7th to Friday 11th December

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Achieving an award as part of the DofE can be rewarding and have long term benefits when job seeking or going into further education. If you are in S3-S6 and would like more information then please see Mrs Baird.

Calling Young Songwriters

Want to work in a team with a professional songwriter to create an original song? The song will be performed by The BIG Project Youth Choir with Love Music Community Choir in the Usher Hall in Spring 2016.

To apply: call Lissa or Sascha at The BIG Project – 0131 622 7784 or email

Agriculture Careers

If you are in S4-6 and intertested in a career in agriculture, then please see Mrs Barry who has information about upcoming college taster sessions.

Careers Clinic

Every Tuesday in the Careers Library 1.15-1.55 – no appointment necessary – just drop in.

Chess Club

Chess club takes place in Mr McGough’s room – the drama studio. If you enjoy playing chess come along and see if you can beat the S6 pupils running this club! Chess club runs Monday-Thursday at lunchtime. All pupils welcome.

Dance Club

Dance club runs every Tuesday night after school in the gym.

Please ensure you have P.E. kit. Everyone welcome!

S6 Study Times

S6 pupils are reminded that they must study in school, in the library, during their study periods.

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