
Every year the school wishes to support students who are observing Ramadan. As this is an important time for Muslim students and their families we wanted to extend our best wishes to you all and to let you know we are thinking of you. Families can contact the school or their child’s PSL if they would like to discuss or share anything regarding their child fasting.

To support our Muslim pupils through the month of Ramadan we have put the following into place:

  • A quiet space to rest and pray is available in the Art base. Students should be aware that if they are from different year groups, then they should be 2m apart.
  • Washing facilities can be found nearby. 
  • Fasting pupils will participate in PE, but they may not be able to complete all tasks. PE staff will be aware of this and if a pupil feels they need to rest, they should let their PE teacher know.

SQA Assessments

If a pupil is taking an assessment and they feel dehydrated, have a headache or feel drowsy, they should let the teacher know as soon as possible. If there are any other issues with assessments, please get in touch with the school.

Other information

The Muslim council of Britain has published guidelines to support families and the link can be found below. The MCB’s guidance advises ways in which Muslims across the UK can still make the most of Ramadan. https://mcb.org.uk/resources/coronavirus/

Please also see some info from the CEC Equalities Team:  Edinburgh Schools Ramadan Guidance 2021