The Early Intervention team at CAMHs have added two new Anxiety Resources to help you support your child or teenager, the new leaflet is below. You can also find all the resources on the CAMHS NHS Lothian website – Online Resources (
New Resources include:
A relaxation booklet for children
A Self Help Guide for parents on supporting their child with anxiety
Part 1 : Understanding and Talking about worries
Part 2 : Anxiety Traps
Part 3 : Overcoming Anxiety
Part 4 : Looking After Yourself and Further information
These are added to the previously available resources which were developed by CAMHS and Psychological Services:
Parent’s Anxiety Workshops Recorded information sessions. These are also available in BSL.
Part 1: Understanding Anxiety
Part 2: Supporting your child with anxiety
Computerised CBT for parents on Supporting their Child/Teen with Anxiety a module course you can work through at your own pace via the platform Silvercloud at this is free to sign up using the Access code: Lothian
The flyer also highlights some useful websites and resources and links to the adult mental health website Home – Wellbeing Lothian
If you need any support or help in accessing these materials, please do not hesitate to contact the school.