Employment and Skills
The Edinburgh Guarantee

The Edinburgh Guarantee is a vision that all sectors in the city will work together to ensure that every young person in Edinburgh will leave school with the choice of a job, training or further education opportunity available to them.
Read more about this on the Edinburgh Guarantee website.
There is also a regular Edinburgh Guarantee bulletin and you can find the link to this in Pupil Notices.
The Jet Academy
The Jet Academy offers Edinburgh senior phase high school pupils the opportunity to gain qualifications and develop employability skills through extended work placements.
You can read more about this in the Jet Academy information sheet.
Career Ready
Career Ready is an amazing opportunity, putting students directly in touch with employers from all areas of work. Whatever our pupils want to do with their life, Career Ready can give them the skills they need to get the career they want.
Please read information document, and if are interested in following this opportunity then please see Mrs Barry or Miss Graham.
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