
The numeracy booklet has been produced to give guidance to pupils and parents on how common Numeracy topics are taught in Mathematics and throughout the school. Staff from all departments were consulted during its production. It is hoped that using a consistent approach across all subjects will make it easier for pupils to progress.

How can it be used?


If you are helping your child with their homework, you can refer to the booklet to see what methods are being taught in school. The booklet includes the Numeracy skills useful in subjects across the curriculum. Look up the relevant page for a step by step guide. You can use the booklet at home to help your child solve number and information handling questions in any subject.


The booklet includes the Numeracy skills useful in subjects across the curriculum. You should keep it with you in school at all times. You can refer to it for help with number and information handling questions in homework and classwork.

Look up the relevant page for a step by step guide.

For help with mathematics topics, you should refer to your mathematics textbook or ask your teacher for help.

Download the numeracy booklet