Parental Partnership
There is significant research, nationally and internationally, to suggest that parental involvement in children’s learning is positively related to achievement. Cotton and Wikelund (1989) in their study on parental involvement in education propose that the more intensely parents are involved in their children’s learning, the more beneficial are the effects on pupil achievement. Moreover, they state that this holds true for all types of parental involvement in children’s learning and for all types and ages of pupils.
Engagement may also take a different form in secondary school, for example in checking homework completion, supporting course selection or attending award days and school activities.
Clare Campbell, National College for School Leadership
At St Augustine’s High School, we recognise the crucial role parents and guardians have as the first educators of their children. As a school, we seek to facilitate greater parental involvement as a means of raising attainment for all our students. On the school website, there are a range of resources including S1 Schemes of Work for each subject, course guides, information from the National Parent Forum of Scotland and resources highlighting “What can I do as a parent”, “Supporting Study” and information about the Scottish curriculum. The purpose of these resources is to empower parents and guardians to play an active role alongside the school, in ensuring that all of our young people reach their full potential.