Support for BPOC pupils and their families

All of the supports available on our own school mental health website, Health and Wellbeing teams page and twitter, are accessible to all pupils.

However, there are some specific resources or websites which can help pupils who have been affected by racism.

There is a useful guide on the impact of Racism and mental health on Young minds website, with some signposts for support.

The Mix (a site for under 25s) has a self-care guide for those impacted by racism.

Our own TRUE colours group is a group founded by young people, which is encouraged and supported by ELREC. Our objective is to challenge bullying and discrimination in Edinburgh. You can read about some of the Unity/ Diversity activities which they lead in our school newsletters. You can contact them in school via our EAL teachers or Pupil Support.

We are currently working on a self-referral page for our school counsellor as well as a reporting page on this website for any racist or bullying incidents. This will be launched in due course. In the meantime, pupils or parents should contact their Pupil Support Leader or Year Head or another teacher via their classs teams or use the general contact form.

Please find here a directory of support for Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) families within North East Edinburgh, for pupils with additional support needs.

Some other organisations which are already working within St. Augustine’s or within the wider community in Edinburgh can also be accessed online by clicking on the links below.

MCFB – Multi-cultural family base works with children and families dealing with important transition points- this can be the birth of  a child, the move into primary school or the move to Edinburgh for families who are new migrants.  We help children and families deal with issues of identity, loss, displacement and trauma.  We know it is important that all children develop a sense of belonging and purpose in their lives.  We work in partnership with families, listening to their views and adapting our practice to these views.

Saheliya is a specialist mental health and well-being support organisation for black,  minority ethnic, asylum seeker, refugee and migrant women and girls (12+) in the Edinburgh area.

Shakti Women’s Aid helps BME women, children, and young people experiencing, or who have experienced, domestic abuse from a partner, ex-partner, and/ or other members of the household.

SCOREscotland is a social justice organisation based in Wester Hailes. Our full name is: Strengthening Communities for Race Equality Scotland, and we are Edinburgh’s only locality-based anti-racism and multi-equality voluntary organisation.

Intercultural Youth Scotland provide specialised inclusive weekly services to nurture talent, enhance voices and deliver cultural gender equality. We build upon experience and BIPOC consistent support with intercultural young people who face educational inequalities, anti-black & racism, discrimination and underachievement in Scotland.

Aditi Sacro offers one-to-one wellbeing, support and advice for Black and Asian ethnic minority women of all religious backgrounds living in Edinburgh who have experienced or are currently experiencing domestic abuse or ‘honour’ based violence.

BEMIS is the national Ethnic Minorities led umbrella body supporting the development of the Ethnic Minorities Voluntary Sector in Scotland and the communities that this sector represents. We are committed to promoting inclusion, democratic active citizenship, recognition of diversity, human rights education, and wider representation, as well as effecting a proactive role in maintaining and enhancing pathways to influence government policy in regards to equality and human rights at local, Scottish, UK and EU levels.

Passion4Fusion was established in 2014 as an informal community initiative by a group of multi-cultural volunteers to meet the needs of diverse ethnic minority communities, particularly young people and women in Edinburgh and the Lothians. It’s vision is to empower communities, enabling all citizens to achieve their potential in advancing Scottish life at all levels. At present, they are providing additional covid related support.

Feniks was set up in 2007 as a charity supporting integration and aiming at improving the wellbeing of the Central Eastern European Community (in particular Polish) in Edinburgh. We seek to help adults who have moved away from their homeland in facing the challenges which can result from immigration.

Equal Access Edinburgh – Health in mind Supports people from minority ethnic communities living in Edinburgh. The service is for anyone aged 18 or over, from a minority ethnic community who would like to improve their mental health and wellbeing. Equal Access provides one-to-one and group support to develop coping strategies and connect with local communities, groups and services.


If you are aware of any other agencies or support, please recommend them to us via our contact us page.